THE BELGIAN-ARMENIAN FORESTWe are excited to announce that we have launched a new project, for the creation of a Belgian-Armenian Forest

FALL PLANTING 2024As winter sets in, we're thrilled to share the highlights of this year’s fall planting results! This year has demonstrated again our commitment to reforestation, community collaboration, and environmental stewardship
EXCEPTIONAL CONCERT TO FUND CHARLES AZNAVOUR FORESTOn November 18 at 19:30, the renowned pianist Hayk Melikyan will give an exceptional piano concert in the Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall dedicated to the creation of a 100 ha forest of 300,000 trees in Armenia honouring the legendary Charles Aznavour

ART FOREST PROJECT LAUNCHEDMy Forest Armenia and Koghb Foundation Team up to Restore 77 Ha of ForestOn September 20, 2024, the Koghb Foundation and My Forest Armenia held a joint press conference at the Holiday Inn Hotel

VISIT TO THE ARMENIAN DRAM FORESTSOn September 13, the president of the Central Bank of Armenia, the president of the Union of Banks of Armenia, and executive directors of 12 commercial banks visited the newly established forests that were planted to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the national currency in 2023

VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES AT MY FOREST ARMENIAWe are happy to announce that we are open to volunteers who want to help us!Volunteers can greatly help our organization as the work of reforestation is very labor intensive and the more people help, the better the results

27,000 TREES PLEDGED : OUR FIRST SYDNEY-GUGARK FUNDRAISER EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS On Sunday, June 16, we held our first parallel Sydney-Gugark fundraising event, aimed at fostering environmental sustainability through reforestation

MY FOREST ARMENIA JOINS KING BAUDOUIN FOUNDATIONWe have great news to announce! My Forest Armenia has been approved by the prestigious King Baudouin Foundation of Belgium as a partner organization

OFFICIAL OPENING OF OUR SECOND GREENHOUSEOn May 2, 2024, the official opening of our new 500m2 Gugark Greenhouse and anti-hail network took place in Lori region, in our “Benjamin Gumuchdjian” nursery

SPRING PLANTING IS COMPLETED 114,574 TREES PLANTEDWe are happy to announce the results of our spring planting season 114,574 trees were planted in our afforestation areas in Jrashen and Lernajur

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF FORESTS: CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITIONMarch 21st marked the International Day of Forests, a momentous time for reflection and action on the vital role forests play in our lives and businesses

583,513 TREES PLANTED IN FALL 2023: A RECORD-BREAKING ACHIEVEMENT!As the autumn leaves gracefully make their final descent, we find ourselves at the end of the incredible journey we’ve embarked upon during the fall planting season of 2023

SEEDING SEASON 2023: HARVESTING NATURE’S BOUNTYDid you know that September marks the beginning of a crucial season for nature in Armenia?It’s the seeding season! This is when our team sets out to collect the seeds of various trees from the forests of Armenia

OUR FALL 2023 AFFORESTATION ACTIVITIES HAVE STARTED!The fall afforestation season has already begun in Lori, as we continue our efforts to reforest areas that have been damaged by human activities or natural disasters

MULCHING 2023We were quite lucky with the weather this year

NEW TECHNIQUES TO REFOREST SEMI-ARID AREASShirakamut is our first afforestation area, which we planted in the fall of 2020

TWO ROTATIONS AT DR. GARY AND LINDA ASSARIAN GREENHOUSEThe work in our Greenhouse usually starts already in early February

PLANT FOREST FOR CHILDRENChildren’s first visit to the forest is in the magical world of fairy tales

326.000 TREES FOR SPRING PLANTING 2023We are proud to announce that we have planted 326

50 HA OF NEW FOREST FOR THE 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF ARMENIAN DRAMWe are particularly proud to announce that on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Armenian dram, the Central Bank of Armenia, the Union of Banks of Armenia, , and all 18 commercial banks, in cooperation with My Forest Armenia, established 50 ha of new forests in the communities of Jrashen and Urasar in Lori Province, planting 160,000 trees of various species (oak, maple, beech, linden, wild pear, wild apple, walnut, birch, and others)