While the seeds are becoming seedlings in our nurseries, our forestry specialists, Vahe Martirosyan and Taron Aleksanyan explore the lands of Lori region to find the appropriate spots, evaluate, negotiate, as well as do all the preparatory work and finally to make the area ready for planting season.

Almost 80% of the permanent employees of our organization are from Lori region. They work in our two nurseries and get the seedlings from the seeds. Up to 90 people from Lori region join them during the tree planting season. People working in the mountains feel their mission deeply․ They are directly involved in this important work of creating forests.
“Probably I will not see the forest I plant, but my grandchildren know that in a few years there will be a forest on this mountain. I am glad that they will remember me also this way”, says our employee Mrs. Karine, a little excited.

“I am very happy that our family has a job today. At first I came alone, but when I saw what an interesting and powerful job we were doing, I offered my wife to join me, and now we are both involved, we work with great pleasure”, says Vahram, one of our seasonal workers.

“For all of us, planting a tree is much like the birth of a child. After birth, parents take care of him, take him to nursery, school and one day he starts living on his own. The same process is with trees: the trees are born in the nursery, we take care of them and when they have grown enough, we send them to the forest to live independently”, says Suren, who works at “Benjamin Gumuchdjian” nursery.
In our next publications we will introduce the members of our team, people who share our mission, take the difficult, but interesting way of forest creation with us to achieve our ultimate goal of restoring forest coverage.