fall afforestation activities 2023 featured image

The fall afforestation season has already begun in Lori, as we continue our efforts to reforest areas that have been damaged by human activities or natural disasters. This year, we are continuing planting in Urasar and starting a new site in Lernajur, where we will be planting a variety of trees and shrubs with the help of over 240 workers from neighboring settlements.

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How’s It Going So Far?

We started the planting season, on October 13, with close-root seedlings that were grown in our Dr. Gary and Linda Assarian Greenhouse in Vanadzor. These seedlings are grown and transferred to the planting site in special containers, which means that their roots are not disturbed. This method requires more resources but also helps increase the overall survival rate.

The big advantage of plants in containers is that we do not need to wait until the plant becomes dormant. We can start planting earlier, thereby increasing our planting capacity.

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First Birch Seedlings In Containers

In Lernajur, we are planting birch, which is well-suited for high altitudes and the local climate and soil conditions. It’s not by chance that there is a birch forest in the neighboring area. Birches are trees that can thrive in a range of soil types. They are also known for their beautiful bark and attractive leaves, which turn yellow in the fall. The work in Urasar will commence in a few days, and our team will then split into two parts to plant open-root seedlings of oak, maple, pine, wild pear, apple, and shrubs.

Providing Work to Village Workers

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240 workers from 10 different villages and towns – including tree planters,  foremen, and drivers – have joined us in this year’s afforestation effort. New workers are trained, and they work under the supervision of our team to ensure that the planting is done correctly. Some of them are planting with us for the 6th time already! This year for the first time, a few displaced people from Artsakh have also joined our team, and we are very proud to be able to offer them such meaningful and important work.

What’s Next?

We believe that afforestation is an important step towards combating climate change and preserving our natural resources. By planting trees and shrubs, we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, prevent soil erosion, and provide habitat for wildlife. We are committed to continuing our afforestation efforts in the years to come.

We all have to give back to Mother Nature, and My Forest Armenia is doing the hard work on the ground. Donating is the easy part but is essential to make our actions possible. Please be part of this life-oriented project by becoming a donor today and funding trees every month!

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