Travelling from Dilijan to Vanadzor or back you can now easily find our Gugark nursery with a new sign showing the way to our land.
We have started excavation work and have already put gravel on the access road, parking and on the area of the future construction works.

We have also planted trees and tuyas around the pathways. We are proud to show you our first achievements, there are lots to come, we will soon start construction of a warehouse as we need space to store various equipment and materials. We aim also to build a worker’s cabin and a visitor’s reception area.
Later we will bring water and electricity to our nurseries in order to water the young plants in the dry summer months. With proper watering, the plants will grow more and develop stronger root systems.

The aim of all these activities is to enable us to prepare our reforestation activities in the best conditions. With your help and support, we will be able to plant many trees, decrease carbon in the atmosphere and increase forests while providing a much-needed income for rural villagers.