On April 5, we hosted our Annual Report 2022 presentation event at the Holiday Inn Yerevan. Our partners from the state administration and donors from the public and private sectors were present at the event.
2022 was a productive year and, at the same time, a year of changes for My Forest Armenia. Andre Gumuchdjian, the founding director of “My Forest Armenia,” made an opening speech. He presented our organization’s main achievements and discussed the main challenges of afforestation in Armenia. “We planted 658,000 trees in the afforestation area of 202 ha. This is more than twice what we did the previous year!” said Andre.
Then, our deputy director Lilith Martirosyan presented the results and achievements of the previous year in more detail. She especially emphasized that in 2022, not only the number of trees have increased. “Our team has also grown. Now our permanent employees are 49, and the number of tree planters has reached 200. We are happy to note that we paid 21% of our expenses last year, about 55 million AMD, as taxes to the Armenian State,” said Lilith Martirosyan.

At the end of the event, the guests watched the short movie “People Who Plant Forests” about the people who work in our afforestation areas and make our mission a reality.
Our impact was warmly welcomed by our partners from the Forest Alliance of Armenia, Shen NGO, and the Armenian Tree Project. Rousanna Arustamyan, the program coordinator of the Armenia Tree Project, said: “I congratulate My Forest Armenia for their achievements and want to underline the importance of professional and quality work in this field.”

Our achievements of 2022 have been this impressive because our donors believed in the importance of our mission as well as in the quality of our work and joined us. “We value the work of My Forest Armenia. It enables an important part of Synopsys Armenia’s corporate social responsibility program – reforestation – to become a reality I hope that our example will be contagious for other companies”, said Mrs. Gayane Markosyan, head of PR and Communication of our partner Synopsys Armenia in her thank you speech.