We’ve Built a Second Greenhouse!
We’ve Built a Second Greenhouse!

Thanks to a generous grant from the Japanese Embassy, we have established a large 500 m2 greenhouse on the premises of the Benjamin Gumuchdjian Nursery in Gugark. Finished in the fall of 2023, we have just completed installing 51 metal tables holding 122,400 seedling containers. The greenhouse will commence operations this spring 2024. 

This will significantly increase our capacity to cultivate additional close-root seedlings annually. We will be able to grow species that are hard to cultivate in the nursery, as well as allow earlier planting in the fall season or later planting in the spring. Close-root seedlings also have a better survival rate as the root system of the plant holds the soil together and is not disturbed during planting. 

Additionally, the grant involves the installation of an anti-hail net on a section of the nursery. This comprehensive approach is geared towards enhancing our production capabilities.

The anti-hail net, covering a surface of 6,600 m2 within the nursery, is an impressive addition to our infrastructure. Beyond safeguarding young seedlings from hail, it will also provide protection from the sun in the intense summer months, ensuring the optimal conditions for their growth and development.

The positive impact of this project is significant, and we are excited that these latest additions will expand our capabilities of  increasing the forest cover in Armenia 

We express our deepest gratitude to the Embassy of Japan for their generous support and commitment to the preservation of the environment.

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